Achievement Unlocked 2gamefort


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Achievement Unlocked 2

  1. Hello Again - Start the game

  2. Playtastic - You Find the play button

  3. Crossroads - Discovered the Main Menu

  4. Mission Accepted - Start the game

  5. Tiles Loaded - Loaded the level

  6. Home Sweet Home - Find your home

  7. First Floor - Reach the first floor

  8. Second Floor - Reach the second floor

  9. Third Floor - Reach the third floor

  10. Fourth Floor - Got to the fourth floor

  11. Fifth Floor - Got to the fifth floor

  12. Cataclysm - Welcome to reality

  13. Storefront - Find the store

  14. Thrifty - Find the second shop room

  15. Windowshopper - Find the third shop room

  16. Shopper - Find the fouth shop room

  17. Big Spender - Find the fifth shop room

  18. Shopaholic - Find all the shop rooms

  19. Navigationer - Find all the areas

  20. Just Gave In - Buy the first level pack

  21. Add-on-tastic - Buy the second level pack

  22. Deluxe Edition - Buy the third level pack

  23. Gold Edition - Buy the fourth level pack

  24. Platinum Edition - Buy the fifth level pack

  25. Charge It! - Buy all the level packs

  26. Wallet Burn - Press a purchase button

  27. No Refunds - Jump on a purchased upgrade

  28. Panicked Shopper - Panic in the shop

  29. Home Emergency - Panic at home

  30. Panic Attack - Panic ten times

  31. Thirsty - Drink some water

  32. Save the Whales - Drink all the water

  33. Wheel and Deal - Jump on the hamster wheel

  34. Full Speed Ahead! - Reach full speed on wheel

  35. Two Trick Pony - Run both ways on the treadmill

  36. One... - Go once over the wheel

  37. Two... - Go twice over the wheel

  38. Three... - Go three times over the wheel

  39. Four... - Go four times over the wheel

  40. Five! - Go five times over the wheel

  41. Dismount! - Jump off the wheel

  42. Teleport! - Go through a teleporter

  43. Beam Me Up - Exit and Enter every teleporter

  44. Freefall Forever - Get in a downward vertical loop

  45. Falling Up - Create an infinite teleport loop upwards

  46. Corpse Loop - Get a corpse into an infinite loop

  47. Reenter - Enter the same teleporter twice

  48. You Might As Well - Jump up and down

  49. Bouncy - Jump 10 Times

  50. Flouncy - Jump 50 Times

  51. Trouncy - Jump 100 Times

  52. Pouncy - Jump 250 Times

  53. Full Jump - Do a big jump

  54. No Double Jumping - Try to double jump

  55. See Ya - Die.

  56. Subtle Movement - Move a tiny amount across the screen

  57. Panic Attack - Hit the Panic Button

  58. Midflight Deceased - Panic while airborne

  59. Multideath - Die 10 times

  60. MegaDeath - Die 50 times

  61. GigaDeath - Die 100 times

  62. Impaler - Die on spikes

  63. Stalagmite - Die on upward spikes

  64. Stalactite - Die on downward spikes

  65. Staleftmite - Die on leftward spikes

  66. Starightcite - Die on rightward spikes

  67. I Love You Spike - Die 10 times on the same spike

  68. Pink - Turn a spike pink

  69. First Floor Pink - Turn first floor spikes pink

  70. Second Floor Pink - Turn second floor spikes pink

  71. Third Floor Pink - Turn the third floor spikes pink

  72. Fourth Floor Pink - Turn the fourth floor spikes pink

  73. Fifth Floor Pink - Turn the fifth floor spikes pink

  74. Pinky Swear - Turn half the spikes pink

  75. Pinky Promise - Turn all the spikes pink

  76. WASD - Prefer the WASD Control

  77. Arrow Keys - Prefer the Arrow Control

  78. Colour My Tile - Paint a block

  79. 100 Pretty Tiles - Colour 100 tiles in one room

  80. First Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on first Floor

  81. Second Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 2nd Floor

  82. Third Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 3rd Floor

  83. Fourth Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 4th Floor

  84. Fifth Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 5th Floor

  85. Coloured 50 - Paint 50 tiles

  86. Coloured 100 - Paint 100 tiles

  87. Coloured 150 - Paint 150 tiles

  88. Coloured 250 - Paint 250 tiles

  89. Repainted 500 - Paint 500 tiles

  90. Launcher - Touch a launcher

  91. Launcher Cleaner - Clean all the first floor launchers

  92. Launcher Scrubber - Clean all the second floor launchers

  93. Launcher Polisher - Clean all the third floor launchers

  94. Launcher Rinser - Clean all the fourth floor launchers

  95. Launcher Washer - Clean all the fifth floor launchers

  96. Launcher Powerwasher - Clean all launchers

  97. Look, a Penny! - Find a coin

  98. Pennybags - Collect 30 coins

  99. Moneymaker - Collect 60 coins

  100. Pennywise - Collect 90 coins

  101. It Prints Money - Collect 120 coins

  102. Scrooge - Collect 140 coins

  103. 1st Collection - Collect first floor coins

  104. 2nd Collection - Collect second floor coins

  105. 3rd Collection - Collect third floor coins

  106. 4th Collection - Collect fourth floor coins

  107. 5th Collection - Collect fifth floor coins

  108. Gotta Collect 'em All! - Collect all the coins

  109. I'm Glad You're Here - Stick around for 10 seconds

  110. Good Company - Stick around for 30 seconds

  111. BFFs - Stick around for 60 seconds

  112. West Side - Look West

  113. East Side - Look East

  114. Dizzy - Flip direction 5 times in 1 second

  115. Hover - Stay airbourne for 6 seconds

  116. Dead Crowd - Generate 3 corpses at once

  117. Corpsaholic - Generate 5 corpses at once

  118. Necrophilia - Generate 10 corpses at once

  119. Spike Corpse Hoedown - Land 3 corpses together on the same spike

  120. Corpse Levitation - Suspend a corpse for 2 seconds

  121. Corpse Juggling - Suspend 5 different corpses

  122. Body Drop - Send a corpse to another floor

  123. Undead Touch - Touch a dead corpse

  124. Telecorpse - Teleport a corpse

  125. Teletired - Teleport 50 times

  126. Relapse - Panic while touching a checkpoint

  127. Respawnorama - Respawn at every checkpoint

  128. Clicky - Click click clickaroo

  129. Not Left Click - Check out the Right Click Menu

  130. BILLY MAYS - Enable Caps Lock

  131. Scrolly - Scroll the achievements list

  132. Extreme Scrolling - Scroll to the very bottom

  133. So Happy! - Make a happy face with keyboard letters

  134. Erasure - Push the backspace key

  135. Quality Time - Set the quality lower

  136. Waltzing Ma - Push the tilda key (~)

  137. Partial Colon - Push the semicolon

  138. Silence is Golden - Push the mute button

  139. Same combo as my luggage! - Push 1,2,3,4,5

  140. Paste in Notepad - Push the centre of the wheel

  141. Dash! - Run 20 metres in-game

  142. Look I'm Big! - I made music!

  143. Keyboard Hero - Hit every piano key

  144. Ode to Joy - Play Ode to Joy on the Piano

  145. Twinkle Twinkle - Play Twinkle Twinkle (Little Star) on the Piano

  146. Row Row Row Your Boat - Play Row your Boat on the Piano

  147. Piano Slide Up - Hit every piano key from bottom to top

  148. Piano Slide Down - Hit every piano key from top to bottom

  149. Corpse Organ - Land a corpse on a piano key

  150. Chord - Play a note while your corpse plays another

  151. Harmony - Play a note while 2 corpses play another

  152. High and Low Cs - Jump from the last key to first

  153. Fort Alpha - Find Hidey Hole 1

  154. Fort Beta - Find Hidey Hole 2

  155. Fort Gamma - Find Hidey Hole 3

  156. Fort Delta - Find Hidey Hole 4

  157. Fort Zeta - Find Hidey Hole 5

  158. Fort Eta - Find Hidey Hole 6

  159. Fort Theta - Find Hidey Hole 7

  160. Fort Iota - Find Hidey Hole 8

  161. Fort Kappa - Find Hidey Hole 9

  162. Fort Lambda - Find Hidey Hole 10

  163. Fortable - Find a Hidey Hole

  164. Oooooooh *Push* - Push the orange button.

  165. No button! - Release the orange button.

  166. Pressing Issue - Push the orange button 20 times.

  167. And.... hold! - Hold the orange button down for 3 seconds

  168. Pretty Button!!! - Look at the button

  169. Quick to Strike - Hit the orange button twice in a second

  170. Inactivity - Don't do anything for ten seconds

  171. Survival - Don't die for 20 seconds

  172. Invulnerable - Don't die for 40 seconds

  173. One Wheel! - Stop one slot reel

  174. Two Wheel! - Stop two slot reels

  175. Three Wheel! - Stop all the reels

  176. Insert Coin - Start the reels

  177. RGB - Stop the reels on Elephant, Llama, Giraffe

  178. Elephant Jackpot! - Get all Elephants in the slot machine

  179. Emu Jackpot! - Get all Emus in the slot machine

  180. Llama Jackpot! - Each all Llamas in the slot machine

  181. Consolation Prize - Match 2 random symbols in the slot

  182. Not a Winner - Match no symbols in the slots

  183. Trip Giraffes - Match 3 giraffes on the slots

  184. Addicted Gambler - Lock the slots 30 times

  185. Left it Running - Leave the floor while the slot wheels are running

  186. Reely Restart - Restart a reel

  187. Reel it backwards - Hit the reels in the reverse order

  188. Three Times the Minute - System clock time is divisible by 3

  189. Rollout! - Roll the mouse off the screen

  190. Mouseing Around - Move the cursor 1 foot across the screen

  191. 10 Foot Mousetrek - Move the cursor 10 feet across the screen

  192. EleClick - Hey, that tickles!

  193. Won't Follow Directions - You just had to do it...

  194. Further Fall - Fall two floors

  195. Super Fall - Fall three floors

  196. Mega Fall - Fall four floors

  197. Colossal Fall - Fall all the way to the bottom from the top

  198. Further Ascend - Rise two floors

  199. Super Ascend - Rise three floors

  200. Mega Ascend - Rise four floors

  201. Colossal Ascend - Rise from the bottom to the top

  202. I Can't Live With This - Die outside

  203. Safer Inside - Go back inside from the Cataclysm

  204. Two Browser Windows - Open two browser windows of the same game

  205. Break Time! - Find the hot coffee feature

  206. Break Off! - Start playing again on the main screen

  207. Buzz - Move around in the coffee feature

  208. The Burn! - Jump in the hot coffee mug

  209. Warm... - Fall below the hot coffee stage

  210. Colder... - Fall further below the coffee stage

  211. Even Colder... - Fall even further below the coffee stage

  212. Cold Coffee! - Find the secret secret stage

  213. The Final Straw - Stand on top of the straw

  214. There's the pump! - Start the pump

  215. Begin the fill! - Fill the first floor height

  216. Keep Filling Captain! - Fill the second floor height

  217. The Pressure! - Fill the third floor height

  218. The Bends! - Fill the fourth floor height

  219. Full Glass! - Fill the entire building with water

  220. Draining - Drain the entire building from the fifth floor

  221. Hey, a Pastry! - Poop a Pastry

  222. Yum Yum! - Eat a Pastry

  223. Maximum Pastry! - Poop 10 pastries

  224. Pastry Chef - Poop 30 pastries

  225. Pastry Connoisseur - Consume 25 pastries

  226. Bloataphant - Eat 50 pastries

  227. Doggy Bag - Launch a pastry into a teleporter

  228. To Go Order - Use a launcher to launch a pastry

  229. Pastry for the Dead - Give a pastry to a corpse

  230. Soggy pastries - Make pastries underwater

  231. Drown - Die underwater

  232. Do a Barrel Roll! - Push Z or R twice!

  233. I Don't Get It - Access the walkthrough

  234. Stop and Hop - Jump without moving left or right

  235. Aww Poor Puppy - Look hopeless

  236. A Decade - Earn 10% of the achievements

  237. It's Roaring! - Earn 20% of the achievements

  238. Days Past September - Earn 30% of the achievements

  239. By Volume - Earn 40% of the achievements

  240. Fifty - Earn 50% of the achievements

  241. Every Time - Earn 60% of the achievements

  242. Hey, Youre Passing! - Earn 70% of the achievements

  243. B Average - Earn 80% of the achievements

  244. Final Run - Earn 90% of the achievements

  245. Almost There! - Earn 95% of the achievements

  246. I Can't Shake Him! - Earn 96% of the achievements

  247. Almost... there... - Earn 97% of the achievements
  248. Stay on Target! - Earn 98% of the achievements

  249. Pull Up! - Earn 99% of the achievements

  250. Absolute Completion - Earn every other achievment

When the achievements are unlocked you can safely disable this mod from the launch menu or unsubscribe/delete the mod. DO NOT load a saved game with this mod active or you might be forced to have it active through the entire playthrough. I you're a modder PLEASE feel free to look at/use the commands. They are very self explanitory.

Achievement Unlocked 2

  • Achievement Unlocked 2 Play as everyone's favorite elephant in Achievement Unlocked 2! If you're a completionist, then this game is for you. With over 200 achievements to unlock, you'll be filled.
  • Achievement Unlocked in the first game, with 100 achievements to unlock in total, from 0 to 99. They are as follows: 0 Don't Move a Muscle - Keep the elephant from moving 1 It's a jump to the left! - Find a way to move westward. 2 And it's a step to the Ri-i-ight! - Strain yourself to move right. 3 Fight Gravity - Figure out to jump upwards. 4 Elephant Skewers - Hit a spike trip.
  • ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED 2 A game which gives you achievements for, well, pretty much anything. Have you got what it takes to earn every achievement? SIZE: 1117KB CREATED BY: jmtb02 & Armor Games Used with Permission.
  • Achievement Unlocked 2 - The famous little blue elephant is back. It's time to unlock more achievements!