Creativity Lab Sign

Check out the latest Creative Live! Enhance your video chatting, recording and sharing experiences, all in stunning high-definition quality! TO SIGN UP FOR A LAB CALL MO AT 719-200-8057 OR EMAIL AT MO@THEUNSTEADYHAND.ORG. Pueblo Creativity Lab #9 Wed.

Creativity Lab Santa Ana

Faithlab understands the unique communications needs and challenges congregations and non-profit organizations face. Let us help you tell your story in ways that are compelling and in sync with your mission.


Gorgeous, flexible, mobile-friendly website design. Update content yourself or let Faithlab handle it.



Your logo, newsletter and publications can look as high quality as the ministries they support.

App Development

iOS and Android apps to share your content. Audio, video, push notifications and more.

Increasingly websites are the first place people go to learn about your church or organization. Invite Faithlab to design a site that fits your identity and helps tell your story. We work with your team around structure, content and approach. Faithlab uses a flexible system that allows your site to change as needs develop. And when the site is launched, we stick around to support our work. Faithlab helps individuals, organizations, and churches of all sizes create and support a terrific presence on the web.

Good design is about more than just looking sharp. The best design is also functional, making it easier for people to find and understand content.

Faithlab is ready to help with effective design to support your church or organization’s communications work.

Logo Development

Get a logo that reveals your identity and expresses the quality of your church or organization’s ministries. A strong logo is a key part of a branding strategy.

Creativity Lab Nj

Communications Consulting

Creativity Lab Signs

Let Faithlab help you streamline your communications work and make the most of the components you use to share news and connect with supporters.

Newsletter & Bulletin Design

Let Faithlab redesign your newsletter, bulletin, brochures, and other printed items — helping them work together to support your brand and identity.

Creativity Lab

More people access content via their mobile devices than ever before. Having a mobile app gives your church or organization a place on the home screen, making it quick and easy for your members and supporters to stay connected. Faithlab develops iOS and Android apps that can help you share news, videos, podcasts, and more. Use push notifications to share important updates. Better yet, the app can automatically pull content from your WordPress website, meaning you only have to update content in one place.