Scenario 2 Part 1&your Digital Footprint


Provides public health guidance to support school and school authority leaders in the safe launch of in-person classes in September 2020 under Scenario 1 of the Re-Entry Plan and COVID-19. The Minister of Education announced on July 21 that scenario 1 will be in place, which is near-normal daily operations with health measures.

Below are the steps for a custom flexible scenario for RE-FX contract Activation. We will divide the blog post to 4 parts: In this blog post, I will show the setup for creating a custom flexible WF scenario for approval in SWDDSCENARIO. In Part 2, will discuss how to configure & test the workflow scenario using runtime classes. Aegean Strike: Scenario 2 - Part 1 After playing around with scenario 1 in Aegean Strike, I decided to take the training wheels off and give a scenario that uses the whole map a spin. I don't have time these days to write a really detailed AAR but I'll update occasionally as I play.


January 19, 2021

  • COVID-19 information : guidance for school re-entry - scenario 1 (January 2021)

    More information Download
    Downloads: 501
  • [SUPERSEDED] - COVID-19 information : guidance for school re-entry - scenario 1 (November 2020)

    More information Download
    Downloads: 2648
  • [SUPERSEDED] - COVID-19 information : guidance for school re-entry - scenario 1 (October 8, 2020)

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    Downloads: 5634
  • [SUPERSEDED] - COVID-19 information : guidance for school re-entry - scenario 1 (August 20, 2020)

    More information Download
    Downloads: 227
  • [SUPERSEDED] - COVID-19 information : guidance for school re-entry - scenario 1 (July 21, 2020)

    More information Download
    Downloads: 36833
  • [SUPERSEDED] - COVID-19 information : guidance for school re-entry - scenario 1 (June 10, 2020)

    More information Download
    Downloads: 350

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Government of Alberta

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Scenario 2 Part 1&your Digital Footprint Activities

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From Scenario League Wiki

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Hi! The Scenario League is alive and well. Be sure to check back regularly as we rebuild the wiki. If you would like to help please let us know in this thread SL Wiki Upload List


9th February 2020 - John Petroski & Prof. Garfield release Over the Reich 4 ToTPP and Lua

19th January 2020 - Techumseh re-releases all his scenarios for Test of Time! [1]

20th December 2018 - John Petroski & Prof. Garfield release Over the Reich ToTPP and Lua

21st November 2018 - Tootall_2012 releases Napoléon I 1805 - 1815 ToTPP and Lua

19th June 2018 - Techumseh releases Operation Seelowe ToTPP

16th April 2018 - John Petroski & Grishnach release Gallic Wars ToTPP and Lua

12th June 2017 - Patine & McMonkey release The Korean War Redux ToTPP

20th June 2017 - Tootall_2012 releases Vietnam 1965- 1975 ToTPP

30th March 2015 - McMonkey releases Spanish Civil War ToTPP

12th November 2013 - Nicheal releases Ancient Steel

12th November 2013 - Nicheal releases Sub War Deluxe

5th November 2013 - committed hero (aka Michael Daumen) releases Roman Britain

1st October 2013 - Bultro releases Worldwar - In the Balance

March to October 2013 - Petit's ToT Mods include Menilek II of Ethiopia, Unity of Italy, Fire and Roses, Four Sea Republic, Star Wars: Insurrection (version 1.3), Star Contact: Part 1 The Star Wars, Cold War Crisis, Timur, Spanish Civil War: The Defence of Madrid (version 2.1), Mamluks, Sparta, Hellenis, World War One, American Civil War, Komnenai, The Thirty Years War and Carolus Petit's ToT Mods thread

13th July 2013 - Tootall_2012 releases A House Divided 1861 - 1865

24th June 2013 - Metro Polis releases Star Trek Mod for ToT

30th April 2013 - Curtsibling releases Battle fo Zarklaw II

19th April 2013 - Dadais releases Last Days Of Empire

16th March 2013 - Petit releases a collection of ToT conversuons / mods in the Modified Scenarios Workshop thread at the SL Forum (post #79). They include: The Peloponnesian War, Struggle for Empire, The Seven Years War, The Spanish-American War: The Carribean, Crises of the New World Order, 2013: A Union Divided, Moria A Journey in the Dark and The Lord of the Rings by Harlan Thompson.

26th September 2012 - Techumseh releases TechMod

7th October 2012 - Nicheal releases Blood and Sieges

26th September 2012 - Techumseh releases TechMod

18th September 2012 - Skulb releases Space Mod for ToT

8th September 2012 - Tootall_2012 releases Battle of Iwo Jima 1945

18th August 2012 - Nicheal releases The Cruzan Colony (See post #12)

24th June 2012 - Metro Polis releases Star Trek Mod for ToT

12th February 2012 - Tootall_2012 releases Battle for France 1944


3rd October 2011 - Nicheal releases The Silmarillion

12th September 2011 - Nikoagonistes (aka Ghost of Disco) releases Jan III Sobieski v.1.0 (See post #11)

14th August 2011 - Curtsibling releases American Kingdoms

24th June 2011 - Petit releases a collection of ToT conversuons / mods in the Modified Scenarios Workshop thread at the SL Forum (post #53). They include: Age of Crusades, In Nomine, Medium Aevum and Drole de Guerre

15th March 2011 - Nicheal releases The Lord of the Silver Skull

25th February 2011 - Petit releases a collection of ToT conversuons / mods in the Modified Scenarios Workshop thread at the SL Forum (post #11). They include: The Great War: Highway to Hell, How Few Remain, The War of Cuba and The Mongols: From Genghis to Kublai Khan.

19th February 2011 - Curtsibling releases Battle of Zarklaw

16th February 2011 - Harry Tuttle re-releases Beach AssaultSL Thread

15th February 2011 - Keu releases a modified ToT version of Micheal Daumen's Moscow - The Third Rome (post #17)

13th February 2011 - John Petroski releases Germanicus on the RhineSL Thread

12th February 2011 - Petit releases a collection of ToT conversuons / mods in the Modified Scenarios Workshop thread at the SL Forum (post #7). They include: The Age of Crusades, The Anglo-Boer War, Bonaparte II, Congo!, First Strike, The Lord of the Rings IV, The Russian Revolution and Yugoslavia: Suicide of a European Nation.

Scenario 2 Part 1&your Digital Footprint Worksheet

12th February 2011 - Custsibling re-releases Kingdoms of SteelSL Thread

11th February 2011 - Petit releases a collection of ToT conversions / mods in the Modified Scenarios Workshop thread at the SL Forum (post#3).They include: The Italian Wars, Historibus Europae, Hannibal's War, Gold Gulch, Struggle for Empire, Colonialism II, Carolus Invictissimus, The American Civil War and the Thirty Years War.

11th February 2011 - Keu releases a modified ToT version of Micheal Daumen's The Great Game

9th February 2011 - civ2units releases American War of IndependenceSL Thread


Scenario 2 Part 1&your Digital Footprint Chart

4th February 2011 - Curtsibling re-releases Soviet Steel for MGE

3rd February 2011 - Curtsibling re-releases Bitterfrost for MGE

29th January 2011 - Curtsibling re-releases Kaiser

28th January 2011 - Curtsibling releases Dalek Tyranny

27th January 2011 - Curtsibling releases The Eurasian WarsSL Thread

27th January 2011 - Curtsibling releases ExterminationSL Thread

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