Subject Matter Knowledgems. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio

INTASC Standard 4: Content Knowledge

Knowledge of Subject Matter: The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for the learners to assure mastery of the content.
In order for teachers to create effective learning experiences, they should possess in depth knowledge in the subject area they will teach. During my undergraduate education in civil engineering, I was exposed to a wide range of Mathematics courses which were very challenging and also interesting. What made a lot of these courses even more interesting is the fact that I also got the chance to apply a lot of the Mathematical concepts I learned in many other areas of engineering sciences. I have transferred my knowledge in the subject area of math in different lesson plans that I have prepared in the courses of the MAT program and demonstrated many mathematical concepts in different approaches, strategies and activities.
Teachers can make connections between the subject area and its application in real life situations which will create meaningful learning experiences. Integrating math concepts in other subject areas will help students understand the importance of math and its use. Knowing the content knowledge of the subject taught will also help the teacher build strong foundations for their pedagogical knowledge and make ideas accessible to all students.
The following artifacts demonstrate my understanding of INTASC standard #4: content knowledge:
  • Tutoring Progress Report EDTP 645: The artifact describes the nine tutoring sessions that I have conducted with two 7th grade students. The tutoring report summarizes the learning progress and development of the students. The report includes the different topics, lessons, applications of content and activities that were used as well as reflection on students’ interaction, engagement, misconceptions, and learning differences.
  • Lesson plans EDTP 600: The artifact is a series for three lesson plans (introductory, developmental, and advanced) that discusses the topic of functions, linear functions, and transformation of functions. The lesson plans contain different activities that students will engage in to activate prior knowledge and review former information as well as learning new material. Students will participate in playing a game, listeningto lectures, watch power point presentation, participate in a kinesthetic activity, practice using the graphing calculator, and taking a summative assessment in the form of a quiz.
  • Lesson Plan EDTP 635: This artifact is a fifty-minute lesson plan that was created for the content area of Mathematics/Algebra I in the unit of Data Analysis in EDTP 635. It was a developmental lesson in which I have planned for students to learn more about performing data analysis by reading and interpreting information from circle graphs, also known as pie charts. The lesson plan falls in line with Maryland State Curriculum: Mathematics, Algebra/Data analysis and the Core Learning Goals, Goal 3: Data Analysis and Probability set by the Maryland State Board of Education. In this assignment, I developed and created lesson instructions as part of a developmental lesson for the topic of circle graphs in which students would be able to read, interpret, organize and draw information and data from circle graphs. I have prepared a set of warm up questions to reflect on the students understanding of the previous lesson and make a connection to the new information that would be presented in this lesson. I have also created a packet for the students with key definitions, examples and illustrated graphs. The content of this packet would be revealed using direct instructions in addition to multiple representations and explanations of the concepts. In addition, I have included a collaborative activity to engage students in the learning process and get them to participate in the organization and interpretation of the data in the circle graphs. I have integrated the use of technology to reinforce the students’ understanding by giving a live demonstration to represent circle graphs using MS Excel and the Inspiredata software. I have also prepared formative and summative assessments to measure the students’ understanding of the content as well as their participation in the collaborative activity. I have also made sure to include all students in my lesson plan and have made numerous accommodations and modifications to meet the diversity and special needs of the students.
  • Strategy Lesson I EDRS 610: This artifact is a fifty-minute lesson plan that was created for the content area of Mathematics/Calculus in the unit of Limits and Derivatives. It was a developmental lesson in which I have planned for students to learn a new and advanced mathematical notation for continuity and continuous functions. Students will use their prior knowledge of continuous functions and their knowledge of limits to correlate that knowledge to the new definition of continuity. The strategy lesson is based on the observation notes of my field experience that was conducted at James Hubert Blake High school for a full class period of an AP Calculus class, along with the Reading Lesson Components Checklist, Reflection and feedback from the critical friend in the study group.
  • Strategy Lesson II EDRS 610: The artifact is a fifty-minute lesson plan prepared by the team work of Lauren Grover, one of my classmates, and myself. The lesson plan integrates using math concepts in analyzing and interpreting data and charts in a history lesson that discusses the impact of Global Connections on the waves of immigration to the United States in the 20th century. The lesson plan is based on using the questioning strategy which is among the most common classroom activities that prompt thinking, learning and recitation (Alvermann, Phelps & Gillis, 2010, p. 203). Students will develop their learning skills using the questioning strategy. The teacher will model the questioning strategy and the students will participate in several independent and collaborative activities using that strategy.
  • WebQuest EDTP 600: The purpose of this assignment was to integrate technology in the teaching process by creating a WebQuest that promotes students’ self-learning. Students explore the material presented in the WebQuest through a number of links to websites, videos and other internet resources. Instead of having the students spend a lot of time searching the net for resources on a specific task, teachers can prepare WebQuests that would help the students focus on a number of useful resources and guide them through a list of instructions in order to complete the WebQuest task. I have chosen the subject of solving a system of linear equation for my WebQuest and used a real-life example to teach the students the methods of solving systems of linear equations. These methods include substitution, elimination/addition, graphing and transformation of augmented matrix.
  • Vocabulary in content area discussion EDRS 610: The artifact is a conference discussion that gives examples on the difference between declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge for terms and vocabulary in the content area of math as well as giving an example of vocabulary learning strategy.
  • Difference between studying and reading EDRS 610

The required effect size for a student to make a year’s progress was 0.4. According to Hattie, teacher subject-matter knowledge had an effect size of 0.19, meaning that it was far less effective than other factors like classroom management (0.52) or effective teacher feedback (0.75). Key Elements Understanding content knowledge and resources in academic disciplines. Set the foundations for later understanding and success on content areas. Go beyond conveying isolated facts and possess the kind of content knowledge that focuses on the “big ideas,” methods of investigation and expression, and organization of the major academic disciplines.

“Teachers shall understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, structures of the discipline, especially as they relate to the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS), and design developmentally appropriate learning experiences making the subject matter accessible and meaningful to all students” (NJPTSB, 2004. The major focus of this work is on Mathematics teacher education programmes in Nigeria. Attempt was made to discern the issue of teachers' knowledge of the subject-matter of mathematics. As a teacher of both English language and subject-matter content atuniversity in the Korean setting, I BELIEVE:1. Students learn from challenging yet personally-rewarding activity thatconnects with each learners experiences (schema-building) and goals;2.


The Science Education Professional Development (SEPD) Project was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET) as part of its Projects of National Significance Program. Its brief was to develop a national strategy for enhancing the professional development of science teachers. This paper summarises one component of the Project's work, an exploration of the feasibility of establishing professional standards or expectations for teachers of science. The aim was to give clearer purpose and direction to professional development planning and to provide a more valid basis for evaluating science teachers for career development.


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Specializations: Teachers' work and policy, teacher development, educational evaluation, teacher evaluation, research on teaching.

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Ingvarson, L. Professional standards for the teaching of science: An exploratory study. Research in Science Education22, 204–213 (1992).

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Subject Matter Knowledge Ms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio Allocation

Subject Matter Knowledgems. Schrader

Subject Matter Knowledgems. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio Assessment

  • Professional Development
  • Science Teacher
  • Exploratory Study
  • Development Planning
  • Career Development