Updated Pages Interface And Slideshow Image Links

  1. Updated Pages Interface And Slideshow Image Links Free

Split Slick Slideshow


Using image sliders we can display multiple images in a single space which will help in improving the page spacing and layout. Image sliders are very important aspects of modern sites. SharePoint gives web part, called picture Library Slideshow Web Part that displays images on the chosen page. The slideshow images are large, which makes this template ideal for image-focused websites, such as photography portfolios or e-commerce websites. Each slideshow image ‘drops’ into place vertically, with a little bounce at the end which makes the movement feel very organic and natural.

Updated Pages Interface And Slideshow Image Links

Vertical slideshow in split screen.
Made by Fabio Ottaviani
March 29, 2017

Slideshow Presentation

Navigate using the up and down arrow keys.
Made by Keith Driessen
March 9, 2016


Dual Slideshow

Just playing around with a dual pane slideshow concept.
Made by Jacob Davidson
April 17, 2015

A Pure CSS3 Slideshow

The transition treats each part of the photo as a blind, closes them all together, and when they are open again, a new photo is revealed underneath.
Made by Stathis
October 3, 2013

Horizontal Slideshows

Split-Screen Slideshow

HTML, CSS and JavaScript split-screen slideshow.
Made by Sean Free
January 9, 2017

Only CSS Slideshow Effect

Ken Burns slideshow effect CSS only.
Made by Dima
December 12, 2016

Slick Slideshow With Blur Effect

Slideshow with blur effect in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Made by Fabio Ottaviani
November 11, 2016

CSS Fadeshow

This is an extended version of pure CSS slideshow gallery http://codepen.io/alexerlandsson/pen/RaZdox which comes with more and easier customisation and previous/next buttons.
Made by Alexander Erlandsson
October 24, 2016

TweenMax Slideshow

A customizable slideshow TweenMax.
Made by Matheus Verissimo
August 28, 2016

Nautilus Slideshow

Nautilus slideshow with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Made by Nikolas Payne
March 9, 2016

Greensock Animated Slideshow

Updated Pages Interface And Slideshow Image Links

A fullscreen, sort of responsive, slideshow animated with Greensocks TweenLite/Tweenmax.
Made by Arden
December 12, 2015


Full Page Slideshow

Full page slide show based off of Jonathan Snook's tutorial found at http://snook.ca/archives/javascript/simplest-jquery-slideshow.
Made by webinyoureyes
February 10, 2015